Min Dong (Meya), a young flute musician, the founder of the Sydney Meya Conservatory of Chinese Music, is also directing the Chinese Music Ensemble course at the University of New South Wales. Meya graduated from the Conservatory of Music of the Central University for Nationalities, majoring in Chinese bamboo flute under the tutelage of well renowned flute professors in China. Her music videos on Youtube and other social media platforms has attracted millions views and fans internationally.

In 2002, she won the gold medal in the Dandelion National Instrumental Music Competition.

In 2007, she was awarded the Gold Medal by the Chinese Ministry of Culture for the Beijing International Competition.

In 2012 she successfully organised and performanced at her personal concert in Beijing and recorded "New Bamboo Flute Sonatas 36" demonstration disc, the disc was published by the people's music publishing house.

In 2016, she was invited to participate in the GAIA China Silk Fashion Show Folk Performance at the Sydney Chinese Cultural Center. In June she participated in the purely Chinese global tour of the Hunan Province Acrobatic Troupe, "Dream Journey" music recording, as a flute soundtrack. In September starred in the Townhall Town Hall in Sydney, "Cross-Strait Family" Mid-Autumn Evening Party In October she participated in the UNSW Confucius Institute Chinese Folk Music Exchange Concert.

In February 2017 Meya planned and co-organised the Australian 2017 Chinese Feng Yuan Poetry Concert. In August she participated in ‘Water Pushes Sand’ project, which is hosted by Australian Art Orchestra, in Darwin, Canberra, Melbourneand Tasmania. Meya participated in the opening ceremony of Shanghai 2017 Slush Global Venture Capital Conference. She was employed as a flute tutor at the Sydney Conservatory of Music. In December she participated in the Australia-China Cultural Week Performance Ceremony.

In 2018, she held a Chinese music concert at the High Court of Australia.

In recently in 2019, she was invited to perform at the Art Gallery of NSW Heaven and Earth in Chinese Art Exhibition.

董敏(Meya),青年笛子演奏家,悉尼芈雅中乐学院创始人,现任新南威尔士大学Chinese music ensemble导师。本科毕业于中央民族大学音乐学院,主修竹笛专业。8岁习笛,师从中央音乐学院戴亚教授。研究生毕业于新南威尔士大学策展与艺术管理专业。










8月受邀澳大利亚管弦乐团水推沙爵士音乐会访问 墨尔本、塔斯马尼亚、堪培拉、达尔文


11月参加上海2017 slush全球创投大会开幕式



